Bach Flower Remedies & Intuitive Readings

We all have a team of Spirit Guides, Angels and passed loved ones who are just waiting to connect with us. I would be honored to work with you and to share their personalized messages with you.
I have been naturally intuitive and sensitive to other people’s energy my entire life. I’ve always had a sixth sense about what’s going on inside of people and decided to use that gift to help others. I have trained in the art of Mediumship for many years and continue to learn in order to improve my skills and serve you the best I can. It is deeply meaningful work to bring people messages from the other side of life. In my opinion there’s nothing more important than our connection with Spirit. I would be honored to connect you with your team and give you a message filled with hope, love and inspiration.
My messages are always for your highest good and I work with Spirit to communicate loving solutions to your problems and to help you find ways to improve your life. My goal is for you to leave feeling empowered and inspired and equipped with tools to move forward in your life. I strongly believe this is sacred work and I hold it in the highest regard with ultimate respect for you and the messages I receive for you.
15 Minute Reading
Conducted via phone, Zoom or In Person.